2016 Installation of Officers
AS SCOTLAND is the wellspring of Freemasonry, a natural expression of that foundation has recently manifested in a unique ‘specialty Lodge’ – Alba Lodge No. 315. Drawing its members together from throughout the region, Alba Lodge is a Masonic lodge formed to focus on brethren of Scottish and Celtic ancestry, or those with interest in the celebration of the Seven Celtic Nations (Scotland, Eire (Ireland), Wales, Cornwall, Galicia (Spain), Ellan Vannin (Isle of Man) and Brittany) and their ancient and vibrant cultural heritages.
We meet evenings on the first Saturday of February, May, August and November at Alki Masonic Center.
Visit the Lodge Alba Webpage for additional information, and contact information for Lodge Alba #315.
The Freemasons are members of a Fraternal Organization dedicated to making good men better and thereby making the community better. Alba Lodge No. 315 is dedicated to this principle through the promotion of Celtic cultural heritages.