Alki Lodge #152 meets at Alki Masonic Center and is a member of District 6, is under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington State. The Stated Meetings of Alki Lodge #152 are held on the first Monday of the month. When a Special Communication is required (generally for Degree work), it traditionally occurs on the third Monday of the month. Refer to the Alki Lodge Events Calendar for a complete listing of Lodge Events.
Stated Meetings begin at 7:30 pm, with a dinner and fellowship beforehand at 6:00 pm in the dining hall.
We meet in the lodge room of Alki Masonic Center, located at 4736 40th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116. The phone number for Alki Masonic Center is 206-938-3554. Click here for map…

Richard Moulden, Musician; Ron Creel, Senior Deacon; Langston Patterson, Junior Deacon; Andrew Paraghamian, Senior Stewart; John Otey, Senior Warden; Delton Johnson, Worshipful Master; Alan Sawyer, Chaplain; Martin Monk, Secretary; Craig Colombel, Marshal; Larry West, Treasurer; and Armando Juarez, Junior Warden (not pictured)
Elected Officers for 2024
The History and Background of Alki Lodge #152
Alki Lodge #152 received its charter on June 13, 1906
Service Lodge #255 received its charter in 1923.
West Seattle Lodge #287 received its charter in 1947.
West Seattle Lodge #287 and Service Lodge #255 came together in consolidation on November 15, 1988.
West Seattle-Service Lodge #287 and Alki Lodge #152 came together in consolidation on December 16, 2006.